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Thursday 28 March 2013

All Kinds Of Trotting

The globe kind.
I have been sitting on airplanes and showing my passport to a kajillion people and repeatedly saying, “no, I do not have any fruit” and in the middle of all that I had a little time to spend with my dad and see a bit of southern Spain. Thusly…
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2013-03-12 07.57.55
If you have a chance to go, please do so. Awesome. California weather with friendlier people. Olives and cured meats to die for. Nom!
I did not take my camera with.
I know!
I am not a landscape photo person. Didn’t feel like lugging it around and worrying about it, etc. I can’t decide if I regret that decision or not, but cell phone pics will have to do.
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The girls?
They had the not so fun kind of trotting.
Of course most people don’t enjoy leaving their dogs, but I have not had to worry too much in the past. They place they go is great. They have been going there for years – comfy with the environment, etc. Something about this trip, though. I was really uncomfortable about leaving them.
Apparently, I am psychic, but only when it comes to gastrointestinal distress.
All-knowing when it comes to the poop shoot.
They must have gotten a bug somewhere. Didn’t seem stressed at all, just runny. And one day Bella didn’t want to eat. That was a first. And, a little alarming to hear when I am on the other side of the planet. The daycare was great about keeping me updated – got my daily runs email. They were a smidge thinner when they got home but seemed otherwise fine. They just like to keep me on my toes, I guess.
I love older dogs, but I am not a fan of aging dog worries!


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