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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Dog Club Newsletters

Several months back our club's newsletter editor quit. There being no other volunteers, I took on the job. Temporarily at first, but here I am still doing it. It's not much different than writing this blog, which I enjoy and I had made contributions to the newsletter already. I don't mind it. Since then, I have tried to get other members to contribute write-ups and photos on club news but found that is close akin to dentistry, prying and pulling things out of people. Club members don't seem to want to report on their activities, brag on their achievements, share in building our club's history. I think sharing what we go through is helpful to all. But it seems I'm alone in that sentiment.

Despite all this, I proceed forward. I feel confident. This issue I ran into a new problem. The club's biggest news is about our two big publicity events of the year, and since I'm the Publicity Chair and ran both events, I'm basically reporting on myself. That feels weird. I run the risk someone will say I'm patting myself on the back. Well, I am. But I interview myself and compliment my efforts the same as I would if someone else had done the job. That's the only way I know to cover the events.

I often wear multiple hats. It reminds me how in college I sometimes used to play all 4 hands at bridge, and actually bid and played each hand as if I didn't know what was in the other hands. It's compartmentalized thinking, a peculiar mind set that I'm oddly good at, and this feels much like that.

Our club does good stuff and I'm proud of everyone who works so hard to make it happen. Want to see the newsletter? Here it is. Long Sit, February 2013 - Community Involvement.

Upwards and onward!


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