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Thursday 4 April 2013

Event Barkers Wraps Up Kumfy Tailz Promo and Donations

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© DogTipper
Preston Poses with KumfyTailz Donation
The Event Barkers team, and All Things Dog Blog, want to thank you all for joining in Super Dog Sunday™ as well as our post game show, the promo and giveaway of a whole litter (and much more!) of Kumfy Tailz warming and cooling harnesses. It was our distinct pleasure to introduce these harnesses to our readers, our Cheer Team's readers, and also to facilitate a large donation to a number of Petfinder shelters, including the one over the weekend in San Antonio, TX, to the Animal Defense League.

By helping to warm and cool shelter pets as needed, Kumfy Tailz is offering a valuable service to these furry friends who are awaiting their forever homes. Please help us thank this terrific brand and the bloggers who have helped us make this happen. A quick note of appreciation on their Facebook wall or a comment at their blog will let them know you care about the time they gave up to help shelter pets. We thank you!
© DogTipper
I Found a Home! and All Things Dog Blog want to thank our support team, the Super Dog Sunday™ Cheer Team, who have been so helpful in bringing this event to a close with a bang up finish, helping Petfinder pets maintain healthy body temperatures. The following members of the Cheer Team posted reviews and giveaways of the Kumfy Tailz harnesses, and some donated theirs to shelters:

Baylie Dog, Facebook, Twitter
Doggies and Stuff, Facebook, Twitter
Dogthusiast, Facebook, Twitter
DogTipper, Facebook, Twitter
Dog Travel Experts, Facebook
Peggy's Pet Place, Facebook, Twitter
Kol's Notes coming soon!, Facebook, Twitter
Peggy's Pet Place, Facebook, Twitter
Pet Auto Safety Blog, Facebook, Twitter
Preston Speaks, Facebook, Twitter
Roxy the Traveling Dog, Facebook, Twitter
5 Minutes for Fido, Facebook, Twitter

Just to make sure we wrap it all up with a nice bow, we'll be making another donation with the remaining harnesses at one more Pet Expo in Texas. Thanks to all of you who participated in our Super Dog Events. We look forward to seeing you again next year.

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Event Barkers produced Super Dog Sunday™ and the Kumfy Tailz promotional event as a charity effort to support Petfinder shelters. We were not compensated by the sponsors of this event; however the Super Dog Sunday™ sponsors did provide a monetary donation to Petfinder Foundation for their participation in this promotional event.


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