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Monday 8 April 2013

When to Start Dog Training, featuring Brody

Meet Brody!

Look in the dictionary under the word "cute," and you should find Brody’s picture! Brody is a 9 week old Boston terrier pup who's too cute for words! His owners made the right move and called us immediatly after bringing him home.

Why is starting early so important? If you look through the eyes of a brand new puppy, who was just taken away from him home, him Mom and litter mates -- you'll see the world can be a scary place if you don't know what to expect. It is important to mention that the first few weeks of your puppy’s life will determine whether or not he grows up to become a well-adjusted adult. This is why at first puppy socialization is more important than teaching commands like Sit, Down and Stay.

For a new puppy, typical city life, a car driving down the street, the UPS driver or even your crazy Uncle Gordon -- might be scary! Like any puppy who just left his mom and litter mates, a young puppy may be wary or fearful of new people, places and things.

That is why we need to be proactive and make the world a less-scary place for our dogs, with lots of socialization. To socialize your dog play Treat For Confidence, a game where we identify things that upset your dog. The game is to act calm and use treats to help our dog cope with new "scary" experiences.

Soon, your dog will associate formally scary things with something good, like a tasty treat! It is so important to do this early on in your puppy's life. Remember: the socialization period typically ends at the 13 week! In other words, the ideal time to expose your dog to everything you want him to be comfortable with as an adult is between the 8th and 13th weeks.

Many people wait too long before getting their dog used to city life. Set your puppy up to succeed by getting him accustomed to all the noises, sights and sounds of the outside world before the socialization period ends. It's not too late! Dogs under 6 months are still ideal candidates for more socialization.

For more information on When to Train, Socialization, and Treat for Confidence, visit Zen Dog Training Online.


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