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Saturday 30 March 2013

I see sunshine - and lots of birds

Shock, horror!! The sun came out this morning. There were shadows on the ground and everything when we went for a Saturday morning walk around Barton Marina (a short drive from where we live).

There are always lots of different types of ducks, and geese and waterfowl around the lakes. The Man Of The House said we should be careful as we went past the swan family because they would be very protective of their young family - and swan are NOT to be messed with. Not that I would.

You see, there was another reason for me to tread carefully. Ever since I posted to say that I thought our garden birds maybe got fed better than I did - I've been a marked dog.

It's NOT that I'm paranoid. They really are after me.

It started one morning when the Lady Of The House saw the unusual sight of a flock of white doves on our bird table. She thought it was lovely. But through the glass they told me I was being watched EVERYWHERE I went.

Next day, in the neighbouring village of Rolleston, a chilling cry rang out through the still morning air. It was a peacock. They were sending in the big guys to keep and eye on me now.

At the brook another swan came up close and personal to put the beady eye on me.

I think he wanted to be paid off, but the LOTH hadn't even brought any stale bread along! LOTH!!! What are you trying to do to me???!!

At the canal the ducks were even lining up to form a threatening cordon of beaks and feathers. I was getting really scared now.

So when the geese closed in this morning at the marina, I told them straight: "You tell those garden birds from me. They can have ALL the seeds and fat balls and whatever they want in our garden. I'll never say another word....just PLEASE leave me alone!"

I think it worked.


Today I am joining the Saturday Pet Blog Hop hosted by Life With Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume.

If you'd like to join in and make new pet blogger friends, please follow your three hosts, add your blog to the Linky and copy and paste this week's new Linky code into the html editor of your own blog. The list will automatically update on everyone's blogs as new sites add themselves over this weekend and we can all hop from blog to blog and find out everybody's news.

Thanks again to our three hosts for putting on the hop!

If you follow a new blog after finding them in the blog hop - please let them know that you found them on the Saturday Pet Blog Hop.