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Thursday, 11 April 2013

Bzzzzzz -- it was quite a walk!

Spring has sprung and look at the lovelies we see on our walk now. Yay, yay, yay because all the pretty stuff blooming makes my mom want to be outside more which means I get to go on better, longer walks!
Well, OK. The whole "Better and Longer Walks" theory actually fell apart pretty quick. It was good while it lasted, but then we realized there were bees EVERYwhere. Buzz off, you little walk shorteners!!!
Ok. Ok. You're right. It wasn't just the bees. It was HOT and I needed to rest, so I crawled under the table. Would. Not. Budge. Not for nothing.
Which is why on this particular walk all we got was the one picture of me, not looking at the camera, leash draped over my back, in front of some not real pretty plant.
Sorry, puppers. Better shot next time!
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