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Thursday, 11 April 2013

Natural Balance Offers Gft Package

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
courtesy Natural Balance
Front View of our Celebration Basket
We're tickly all over right now. As a part of our celebration over joining Natural Balance's team of insiders, All Things Dog Blog has a huge gift basket giveaway to offer you. This is one of those baskets that will keep you in treats through Summer, so listen up.

The folks at Natural Balance want all of my readers to have a chance at this basket that will include treats and samples of most of their foods. Your pooch can enjoy a Tapas style dinner, sampling numerous flavors in the Natural Balance line, and wrapping up this feast with his choice of Tillman Treats or other goodies included in the package. You really don't want to miss out on this opportunity.

So, just to be certain you're not skipping this giveaway, I'm going to pull out all the stops. Every possible entry method I can think of will be offered to give you plenty of options for joining in. Pick your method or try them all. It's your call!

Patches Chooses the Indoor Formula
for a Healthier Senior Lifestyle
Natural Balance is a leader in natural pet food, with a full variety of food and treats that show off a focus on your dog's nutrition. Meow can be included as well. Our 15-year-old Patches has joined the fun to see what all the excitement is about with the dogs in my home. The whole furry family is getting in on the action. I'll be sharing more about their experiences in the coming months.

In addition to this giveaway, I'm eager to get on with the business of sharing some of the really cool things that Natural Balance is doing, not the least of which is handing out coupons to my readers at the link. Their causes, activities, and work with military and service dogs are so impressive. Watch for many more posts sharing updates on their terrific culture of giving back.

Enter the giveaway below by using the nifty Rafflecopter form. Sometimes this form is a bit persnickety and will play hide-n-seek. You can coax it out by simply clicking on the post title above, and it will jump right back into position. Have fun and good luck!

Happy tails,

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As an NBInsider, I am sponsored to attend industry events and am honored to be offered the opportunity to share many of their stories with you. This giveaway is provided by them as an opportunity for Natural Balance to reach out to you. There is no purchase required to enter the giveaway above. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway