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Saturday 6 April 2013

Temporary Fosters Needed In Allentown PA.

This was sent out from Ann of Zoolatry:

Here are just four of the adorable "puttikins" ~ Temujin, Iseult, Isabella and Pumpkin. Yes ... there are 9 (NINE !) adorable puttikins in all ~ who live with their Mom, Eugenia, in a happy home in Allentown, Pennsylvania. They used to be cat bloggers, but have not blogged for a long, long time ... the Zoolatry Human knew their hu-mom through cat blogging long ago. A sweet and lovely lady, slightly disabled, who truly adores her beautiful kitties, each and every one.

Recently, I heard from Eugenia and she is asking for some assistance ~ though just on a temporary basis. She must travel outside the US for the month of May. This is a necessary trip, one that cannot be changed or delayed. She is desperate at this time to find temporary care for the kitties!

She's willing to provide food and litter and all that's necessary ... and I don't think they all need to be together (?) ... so if you are in the Allentown, PA area, or know someone in that community or nearby, perhaps you can step in and help Eugenia. Someone who could temporarily "foster" some or all of the puttikins while she is away; or a kind and reliable cat sitter who could come in to provide daily care, love and attention.

I don't take part in Facebook, but through the magic of blogging, and Facebook and other social media ~ if those of you who are willing to help with this, can spread the word ~ Eugenia and I would so very much appreciate it! There are only a few weeks left until she must leave for this trip, and she needs to have the kitties care arranged, and be at ease knowing they will be well cared for ... they are all her "babies"!

If you believe you may be able to help, please contact me (Ann) by email ... zoolatry at gmail dot com ... and I will send Eugenia's email address to you and then you can work directly with her on any possible arrangements. We both THANK YOU!


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